


Prosecutors in Trump's hush money case unveil potentially damning paper trail

Molly Crane-Newman and Josephine Stratman, New York Daily News on

Published in Political News

Tarasoff said Trump didn’t give the green light for every check, sometimes writing “VOID” in black Sharpie and sending them back.

Over the last two weeks, prosecutors laid out an alleged conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election and, as of Monday, began linking it to the alleged reimbursement to Cohen they say capped the scheme.

They told state Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan on Monday that they expect to finish their case in around two weeks. Cohen, who was federally convicted for the hush money scheme in 2018, and Daniels are slated to soon take the stand.

Earlier Monday, Merchan found Trump had violated a gag order prohibiting comments about trial participants a tenth time.

In his sternest warning yet, the judge said it appeared the fines he previously issued for other violations were not working, forcing him to start considering more severe punishment.


“It’s important you understand that the last thing I want to do is put you in jail,” Merchan addressed Trump. “You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next (POTUS) as well.”

In an accompanying written order, the judge laid out how Trump’s April 22 comments to conservative news channel Real America’s Voice — that the “jury was picked so fast – 95% democrats” — were a clear breach.

After proceedings wrapped for the day, Trump said outside court that he wasn’t fazed, telling reporters, “Our Constitution is much more important than jail. It’s not even close. I’ll give that sacrifice any day.”


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